SCARCE nonprofit donates golf clubs to Pierce Downer and Belle Aire

Downers Grove SD58 News

District 58 collaborates with many local partners to support students and improve the community. The District values these partnerships and the wonderful benefits they create! For example, a resident recently donated three golf club sets, a box of golf tees and golf cleaning supplies to the local environmental nonprofit SCARCE. SCARCE reached out to Belle Aire and Pierce Downer PE Teacher Mary French to see if she had use for them. Mrs. French accepted and immediately prepared a two-week golf unit for her students.

“We really appreciate SCARCE’s support!” Mrs. French said. “The kids are having a blast learning how to golf.”

Despite the morning chill, Belle Aire fifth graders eagerly went outside to practice their golf swing on Thursday, Oct. 13.

“I’ve golfed before, but this is the first time I’m actually learning how to hold the golf club and swing at the ball,” said Belle Aire fifth grader Ashley. “It’s really fun to learn!”

“Yeah, before our golf unit I would just sorta swing the club and smash it on the ground. Now I know what to do,” added Belle Aire fifth grader Stephanie.