Herrick eighth graders visit D.C.

Downers Grove SD58 News

Several Herrick eighth graders and teachers traveled to Washington D.C. over Labor Day weekend to get a first-hand look at historical sites, monuments, primary documents and more.

"We traveled with a really great group of students who represented Herrick with pride," said Mr. Collin Konny, a Herrick history teacher and a D.C. trip chaperone. "I really appreciate going on this trip as an opportunity to connect with students and teachers outside the school and classroom. I also love the chance to connect the classroom to the outside world."

The group visited the White House, National Mall, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Museum, Holocaust Musuem, the Newseum and much more! For fun, the group also enjoyed the Orioles vs. Yankees baseball game at Camden Yards and a special dinner/dance cruise on the Potomac River.

"Washington DC is such an amazing place and I am thankful to share the experience with so many of our eighth grade students," Mr. Konny said.

"I really liked seeing the White House in person and learning about it. The cruise we took was also really cool." - Brian

"My favorite historical site was the Martin Luther King Junior Memorial. It was really interesting." - Annika

"I liked seeing the Lincoln Memorial and walking around and seeing the Washington Monument." - Ty

"My favorite thing about the trip was seeing the Eternal Flame by John F. Kennedy's grave. I really like learning about presidents." - Emmitt

"The Holocaust Museum was the most important thing I saw. I learned how many Jewish people died during World War II in the concentration camps. It was really depressing but important to learn." - Aidan

"We visited one site that had these amazing statues of famous historical figures with quotes beneath them. The quotes were very inspiring." - Maia

"One of my (and many of our students') favorite museums is the "Newseum," which highlights the press throughout U.S. history. I also really enjoy going to the Smithsonian Museums, though I've been many times before, there is always something new to see. A highlight of the trip for students and teachers alike is our dinner/dance cruise on the Potomac River, though the dancing is usually more of a highlight than the dinner."
Mr. Konny