Henry Puffer students interview Mayor Tully for Genius Hour

Downers Grove SD58 News

Henry Puffer third graders Nate and Isaac recently had the unique opportunity to interview Downers Grove Mayor Martin Tully, as part of Nate’s research for his Genius Hour project.

“Nate's Genius Hour project was to learn more about how the city government works,” said teacher Mrs. Katie Hurckes. “He is learning about similar topics in Boy Scouts and wanted to extend what he was learning. He asked if he could interview the mayor so I sent an email to see what would happen!”

The boys spent their lunch period politely asking the mayor a wide variety of many thoughtful questions, which ranged from serious to lighthearted. For example, they asked the mayor how government works (Mayor Tully explained the Village’s council-manager form of government) and how he intends to address the village’s environmental issues (Mayor Tully outlined Downers Grove’s many sustainable practices). They also asked if he owned any pets (a dog named Snickers) and if he liked Star Wars (of course!)

Thank you, Mayor Tully for visiting Henry Puffer!