Pierce Downer kids show they care – one shoebox at a time

Downers Grove SD58 News

Article by Liz Foreman

Photo by Amy Goray Photography

Pierce Downer students and their families showed their holiday spirit by taking part in a unique service project: an Operation Christmas Child Packing Party. Together they donated materials and postage and assembled gift-filled shoeboxes that will soon arrive in Tanzania, an East African country more than 8,000 miles from Downers Grove. The boxes will be distributed to young children, ages five to nine.

The Samaritan’s Purse organization runs the Operation Christmas Child program and Pierce Downer parent Jennie Amidei spearheaded this local event. After many years of packing shoeboxes with her family at other events, Amidei decided to start one of her own. She found that others in the community appreciate this family service opportunity. “It’s something families can do together,” she explains. “Children enjoy the hands-on experience and knowing their efforts will directly and positively impact other children who are less fortunate than they are.“

In total, more than 100 students and their families participated in the Pierce Downer packing party. Many small hands carried boxes to various stations, filling them with useful items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, soap and washcloths and pencils, along with toys like small cars and dolls, crayons and coloring pages. Most students took the time to sit down and carefully draft a note, draw a picture or create a beaded bracelet to give their boxes a personal touch.

Pierce Downer families and alumni assisted with the purchase and organization of items, coordinated assembly efforts, cleaned up after the event and drove the completed boxes to a collection point in Downers Grove. From there the boxes were delivered to a regional collection site in Minnesota. Before being shipped out to children in impoverished areas throughout the world, every single box is inspected to ensure the safety of the children who will receive them.

“Pierce Downer students and parents have demonstrated the true meaning of the season,” said Amidei. “I am deeply touched by their generosity.” A total of 128 children in need will receive a shoebox packed with love from Pierce Downer.