Whittier student leads school's Toys for Tots holiday toy drive

Downers Grove SD58 News

Whittier’s Passero family first volunteered with DuPage County Toys for Tots in 2001 as a teaching tool for their son, Dominic, who was then 2 years old.

“We wanted him to understand how fortunate we are,” said his parents, Matt and Sharon.

Volunteering for DuPage County Toys for Tots quickly turned into an annual tradition for the Passero family, better known as ‘Team Passero’ by the Toys for Tots organization.

Every year, Team Passero assists local efforts to collect and deliver holiday gifts to families in need throughout DuPage County. Dominic and later, his little sister Amelia, enthusiastically help their parents out.

When Dominic was a fourth grader in fall 2009, he started an annual Whittier School Toys for Tots campaign that has continued to grow through the years. After Dominic left Whittier in 2012, he passed on Whittier Toys for Tots leadership responsibilities to Amelia, then a first grader.

Now in fourth grade, Amelia continues to lead Whittier’s thriving Toys for Tots collection drive. Each year, she works with Principal Michael Krugman, teachers and students to promote Toys for Tots and encourage all to donate a toy, book or game.

"The enthusiasm, dedication and overall passion for this project shines each year that I met with Dominic and now meet with Amelia to organize the annual drive," Mr. Krugman said. "It has been a wonderful experience working with Team Passero on the Toys for Tots Drive at Whittier for the past five years that I have been principal."

While the final numbers have not been published yet, the Passeros believe that Whittier’s 2015 Toys for Tots collection drive has exceeded the 101 toys and books collected the previous year.

"We are very proud to be a small part of a very successful drive to help provide a happy and enjoyable holiday season for children and families who may be less fortunate," Mr. Krugman said.

The Passero family credits the success of Whittier’s Toys for Tots program to the school community’s teamwork.

“This project needs teamwork to be successful,” said Matt and Sharon. “Whittier’s motto for this school year is ‘score your goal.’  A winning team needs teamwork. The kids and staff at Whittier have proven that you are never too young to make a difference in someone’s life. As a team, the Whittier School community has definitely scored their goal!”

In 2014, the DuPage County Toys for Tots organization collected and distributed more than 45,700 toys to underprivileged children throughout DuPage County. The 2015 drive is expected to exceed this number.

“This means that more children received the gift of hope and know that someone cared during the holiday season,” said Matt and Sharon. “However, it is only with the help and generosity like those within our Whittier community that allows us to fulfill the Toys For Tots mission.”