Lester recognizes our men and women in blue

Downers Grove SD58 News

Lester students and staff celebrated Blue Balloon Day on Sept. 30 in honor of our own Downers Grove Police Department.  Blue Balloon Day is part of the Blue Across the Nation initiative, which honors and shows support for law enforcement across the nation.

Lester decided to surprise the DGPD while the officers were conducting Lester’s annual Lockdown Drill last Wednesday. Students decorated the school and everyone wore blue.  Student Council officers took the opportunity to read a statement expressing gratitude and thanking them for their bravery and service to the community, as well as keeping people safe. They also presented the officers with blue balloons and treats. Students and staff lined the halls and sidewalks to give the officers accolades and high fives.

Lt. Mike DeVries commented that he "was very honored to be a part of the celebration and that "it was one of the coolest things he had ever experienced."