The International Friends Project benefits preschoolers

Downers Grove SD58 News

Know anyone who skis to school? Probably not, but students in Nancy Hildreth's preschool class do! As part of their International Friends Project, they recently invited Anders Singdahlsen, a Norwegian preschool parent, to visit their classroom.

"It was very different when I grew up in Norway,” Singdahlsen told the preschoolers. “We skied everywhere. I sometimes even skied to school! When it got warm outside, some people would even ski in their swimsuits!"

Grove Children's Preschool teachers created the International Friends Project, a new program that integrates several key preschool lessons into one fun and exciting learning environment. They’re piloting the program in Henry Puffer’s preschool classrooms this year.

Through this project, students learn about other countries while concurrently learning important math, social studies, science, language arts, fine motor, social-emotional, creative arts and physical education skills, to name a few.

“We are so excited about our International Friends Project!” said Preschool Teacher Nancy Hildreth. “Each month, we will introduce students to a new country that represents the heritage of a family in our class. To add to the fun, students will receive an International Friend teddy bear that represents the country.”

Hildreth’s class is learning about Norway first. They received a giant package with a Norwegian stamp. Inside, they discovered Norwegian books and games, a Viking hat, mittens, the Norwegian flag and more. Their international friend, Anders the Norwegian Teddy Bear, also made an appearance.

“During the week, the children take Anders to centers in the classroom and then on Friday a different child gets to take him home,” Hildreth said. “The children are very excited about showing Anders around their house and including him in their fun weekend activities.”

Hildreth selected Norway first because preschool parent Singdahlsen grew up there. During his visit, he not only talked about his childhood skiing in Norway, but he also read the Three Billy Goats Gruff folk story, taught the preschoolers to count to 10 in Norwegian, and helped them create their own rock trolls, in the spirit of the Billy Goats story.

Meanwhile, Henry Puffer’s other preschool classes are learning all about Mexico and Italy this month.

International Friends teaches preschoolers many skills, including:

  • Math: Students learn about postage, the distance to each country, and the shapes/patterns that comprise each country’s flag.
  • Social Studies: Students learn the country’s culture and history
  • Science: Students learn about the country’s geography, weather and ecology
  • Language development/fluency/vocabulary: Students listen to a story from each country and learn a few words of the country’s language. They discuss the story’s morals as a class. They connect the story’s plot to classroom projects and games. Students are encouraged to journal when their International Friend (teddy bear) joins them at home.
  • Fine motor skills: Students use scissors and glue to create replicas of each country’s flag.
  • Social-emotional learning: Students gain a respect for cultures that differ from their own.
  • Creative arts: Culturally-relevant arts and crafts projects are incorporated into each country’s lesson. Students may also learn about their country’s music and dance.
  • Physical education: Students partake in exercises, games and scavenger hunts related to their country.