Belle Aire invites special guests to One Book One School program

Downers Grove SD58 News

Belle Aire students and staff collaborated on an exciting One Book One School activity this fall! The school read “MVP: Magellan Voyage Project” by Douglas Evans, a thrilling adventure about a 12-year-old boy who travels around the world with $4 million in prize money at stake.

Each Monday, a very special guest would visit Belle Aire and read the book to students during lunch recess. Guests included Mayor Martin Tully, Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Matt Rich and Librarian Diane Jakosz from the Downers Grove Public Library. The final guest speaker was the author, Douglas Evans, himself! Since he lives in Berkeley, Calif., he Skyped with students instead.

Students excitedly waited their turn to ask Evans questions: How many books have you written? What inspires you? What’s your favorite book? What genres do you like?

He told the children that his favorite author, Roald Dahl, inspired him to write.

“I had the opportunity to meet him one-on-one when I was in England!” he exclaimed.

Evans also shared that he likes playing with palindromes and embedded several into “MVP: Magellan Voyage Project.” He challenged the students to look for the palindromes in his books, and to try using palindromes in their own creative writing.

A former teacher, Evans said that he gets most of his story ideas from the students he used to teach – as well as students he visits or Skypes with on book talks today.

“Imagine: I might be getting book ideas from talking to you right now!” he said.