Herrick seventh and eighth grade girls’ volleyball teams win conference

Downers Grove SD58 News

O’Neill eighth grade girls take second after close championship game vs. Herrick

Herrick’s seventh grade and eighth grade girls’ volleyball teams both won the conference championship this season! Even more impressive, the seventh grade girls maintained a 12-0 record, while the eighth grade girls finished with a two-year record of 26-0!

“I attribute our success not only to the teams' athletic talent and many hours of practice time, but also because we always had fun!  The girls truly are friends both on and off the court!” said Christy Greenblatt, Herrick’s eighth grade girls’ volleyball head coach.

O’Neill also finished the year strong, with its eighth grade girls taking second place in conference after a well-played 3-game match versus Herrick. O’Neill’s seventh grade girls finished in third place in conference.

“The best part of coaching that group of girls was watching them progress throughout the season,” said Bev West, O’Neill’s eighth grade girls’ volleyball coach. “They had a tremendous work ethic, and their enthusiasm and love for the game was contagious. It was a pleasure coaching them.”

Christy Greenblatt and Stacey Probert coach Herrick’s eighth grade team. Collin Konny coaches Herrick’s seventh grade team. Bev West coached O’Neill’s eighth grade team, and Dustin Moore coaches O’Neill’s seventh grade team. Read a Q&A with Christy Greenblatt, Herrick eighth grade head coach.