Board of Education: May 11 meeting preview

Downers Grove SD58 News

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a virtual business meeting on Monday, May 11 at 7 p.m. District 58 invites the public to attend this virtual meeting.

The meeting agenda covers many topics, including:

  • A preliminary staffing update for 2020-21
  • A discussion regarding online summer learning opportunities
  • Recommendations for action regarding several topics, including: an intergovernmental agreement to share data with District 99; a proposal from Aetna for stop-loss insurance coverage; a master agreement between District 58 and Wight & Co. for architectural services; the purchase of faculty devices; a surplus designation for existing faculty devices and equipment; and an agreement with Acellus Learning System for summer learning services. 

To view all Board meeting topics, view the agenda.

How to view the meeting:
The State issued an executive order on March 16 that amended provisions to the Open Meetings Act. This executive order allows school boards the ability to hold meetings virtually due to the Governor’s Stay at Home Order as a result of COVID-19.

This meeting will be held via Zoom, and only School Board members and meeting presenters will be permitted to directly enter the meeting. The public may view the meeting via a live stream on the District 58 YouTube page at After the meeting has concluded, this live stream will be saved on YouTube and posted to the District 58 website.  

How to make a public comment during the meeting:
The Board encourages public comment from the community. District 58 created a Google Form, which is linked in the “Public Comment” section of the meeting agenda. This form will be open on Monday, May 11 from 6 p.m. through the end of the public comment portion. The School Board will read public comments aloud during the meeting. All public comments submitted will be posted publicly in the meeting minutes, along with the commenter’s name and attendance area.

View more information about these and all Board meeting topics in the Board agenda at