Lester News

aha $1 million milestone

District 58 has donated accumulative $1 million over 30+ years through American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge program.

Ukrainian aid

Donate medical supplies/medicine at the May 14 event or at one of the 18 local drop-off donation boxes!

board briefs spring 2022 financial workshop

The District 58 Board of Education held a Special Meeting and Financial Workshop on Monday, April 25, 2022 at O’Neill Middle School.

sixth grade parent night

Herrick and O’Neill middle schools look forward to meeting incoming families for the 2022-23 school year!

The teachers union surprised Mrs. French with the news after school on April 27.

school grounds maintenance

Learn more about the environmental and economic considerations related to ground treatments in District 58.

puffer and kingsley principal appointments

The Board appointed Mark Leipart to the Henry Puffer principal position and Charles Brewster to the Kingsley principal position. They will start work in July.

The meeting will discuss the District's plans for providing special education services to students who attend private, parochial and homeschools.

home fire escape plan contest 2022

Each winner received a ride to school in a firetruck, after joining the firefighters for breakfast at the firehouse.

april 2022 financial workshop

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting/Financial Workshop on Monday, April 25 at 7 p.m. at O’Neill Middle School.

communicate 58 for april 20, 2022

The April 20 Communicate 58 features math acceleration and gifted instruction information, several school district celebrations and more!

band and orchestra recruitment 2022

As a fourth or fifth grader next year, your child will have the opportunity to begin playing a musical instrument!

comm survey 2022

District 58 invites all community members to complete its annual Communication Satisfaction and Preferences Survey now through Sunday, May 1.

board briefs april 2022

Board Briefs: April 2022

April 14, 2022

The District 58 Board of Education held a Regular Meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022 at Downers Grove Village Hall

board preview april 2022

The District 58 Board of Education will hold a Regular Business Meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove Village Hall.

summer school

District 58 will offer three Summer School sessions and the Extended School Year program this summer! Please register for the grade level your child will enter in fall 2022.

Communicate 58: April 6

April 6, 2022

The April 6 Communicate 58 features Safe2Help, National Assistant Principals Week and more!

communicate 58 march 23, 2022

The March 23 Communicate 58 features state funding for playgrounds, lunch/snack changes, COVID testing updates and more.

playground announcement

District 58 is combining State and District funds with PTA and community group contributions to ensure all playgrounds achieve appropriate standard.

roadrunners donates $12,500 to district 58

The donation will fund improvements to District 58's DLP special education classrooms.

geoff neustadt earns chief's award

This honor is annually presented to a firefighter, village employee or civilian for his or her continuous cooperation and support of the DGFD.

board briefs march 2022

Board Briefs: March 2022

March 16, 2022

The District 58 Board of Education held a Regular Meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022 at O'Neill Middle School.

indian trail principal appointment 2022

The interview teams described Mrs. Ratner as student-centered, supportive, outgoing, a strong leader, experienced, collaborative and knowledgeable.