Blessings in a Backpack makes a difference in District 58

Blessings in a Backpack makes a difference in District 58

Blessings in a Backpack provides weekend meals to about 350 District 58 students in need. Thanks to fantastic volunteers, school staff and donors, each week, meals are delivered and discreetly distributed to students.

The District 58 Blessings in a Backpack program continues to evolve each year. For example at Lester:

“Enhancements were made this year at Lester by implementing a new 4-week rotating menu to provide variety for our participating students,” said Morgan Mancuso, Lester alumna and Lester Blessings in a Backpack co-coordinator. “(Principal) Carin Novak and her team continue to do an amazing job in supporting the program by packing bags weekly and finding opportunities to supplement the food offering as they did again this year at Thanksgiving.”

It costs about $100 to feed one student per year. Want to make a difference at your school? Visit and specify your school’s name, plus “Downers Grove, IL.”

Thank you!