Social Studies
Social Studies Core Curricular Resources
Social studies instruction is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Social Sciences and the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework.
District 58 uses two core curricular resources for social studies instruction: Savvas in grades kindergarten through fifth grade and National Geographic in grades sixth through eighth.
Social studies instruction in District 58 is based upon four distinct domains of study. Children investigate the relationship between themselves and the world around them. In Social Studies, children develop tangible skills such as reading maps or creating a business plan, as well as an understanding of historical context. Students learn about how diverse societies and cultures influence their world.
Savvas Grades K-5
Savvas immerses students in history through a perspective rich environment that grows as the student moves through elementary school. Learn more about the Savvas social studies program by clicking this link.
National Geographic Grades 6-8
Students in grade 6 use National Geographic Learning's World History: Great Civilizations.
Students in grade 7 use National Geographic Learning's World Cultures and Geography.
Students in grade 8 use National Geographic Learning's History: American Stories.
The Domains of Social Studies Instruction in District 58
Environmental Interactions & Resources: Learning in this domain focuses on the relationship between geography and resources. Students develop skills for creating and understanding maps; developing business plans; and cultivating an understanding of local and international economics.
Historical Influences & Perceptions: Studies within this domain focus on what history is, the rise and fall of different societies throughout history, why these societies developed and dispersed, and how this influences life today. Students learn about local, world and U.S. history.
Local and Global Citizenship: Learning in this domain focuses on the origins of citizenship, the roles citizens play, structures of government, roles of communities, leadership within the community, and the principles of American governance.
Social & Cultural Interactions: In this domain, students learn about how individuals within diverse societies interact and cultivate relationships. Students analyze their own relationships, relationships between members of different societies & cultures, and how these interactions have changed historically.