Please RSVP to attend by Jan. 17!
Last November, District 58 voters approved a $179 million bond referendum to improve the District’s facilities. District 58 is working closely with its architects and construction management firm to finalize plans for this upcoming referendum-related facility work. District 58 values staff and community input and would like to gather your feedback prior to finalizing plans.
To that end, District 58 invites all community members and staff to attend an upcoming Facility Visioning Session. We hope you can come! Please see the details below.
Staff Facility Visioning Session:
- Monday, Jan. 30 from 4-5:30 p.m. at O’Neill Middle School
- Staff RSVP Form
Community Facility Visioning Session:
- Monday, Jan. 30 from 6:30-8 p.m. at O’Neill Middle School
- Community RSVP Form
To help plan these sessions, we ask that you please complete the appropriate RSVP form linked above by Tuesday, Jan. 17 if you plan to attend.
The visioning sessions will open with a brief presentation by District leaders and its architects and construction management firm. Next, the session will offer several visioning stations dedicated to specific topics--such as school entrance design and middle school science lab design. Guests will be assigned to groups and will have the opportunity to rotate through three stations, where they will learn more about the topic and have opportunities to provide feedback. When you complete the community RSVP form or staff RSVP form, you will be asked to select your preferred topics. We will do our best to place you in your topic(s) of choice, while keeping groups balanced.
The meeting will conclude with a wrap-up large group visioning activity led by the architects and construction management firm.
Following the meeting, District 58 will post the presentation and share a survey to gain additional feedback. The survey can be completed by both those who couldn’t attend and want to share input, as well as those who did attend but have additional feedback to offer.
District 58 appreciates the many community members and staff who have contributed feedback to its facility planning process over the past several years. Your feedback directly contributed to the final bond referendum that was approved last fall. We encourage all staff and community members to continue to weigh in on our facility plans! We especially encourage our future families to participate. If you have a friend or neighbor whose children may attend District 58 in the future, please share this invitation with them.
Thank you for your time and support.